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To find out how to put on a Mark Drama production, the best thing is to read through our step-by-step guides for putting on a production with your church group or Christian Union.

Are you sure that the team will be able to memorise the order of all the events in Mark?

Yes. Of course it takes discipline, but they do have The Mark Experiment to help them and they have 6 weeks in which to learn the 6 sections. If team members spend 10 minutes a day learning the order, then it is absolutely doable.

The schedule suggests there is around 12 hours' rehearsal time. Are you sure that this is enough?

Yes. The short time ensures that the team concentrate really hard and are trusting God to help them.

Your rehearsal schedule has the first rehearsal just a couple of days before the first performance. Can't we start rehearsing earlier?

There are two reasons for having the rehearsals very close to the performances. First, it means that the director does not have to make multiple visits to work with the team. And secondly, when the team come to perform, what they have learnt in the rehearsals is still very fresh in their minds.

Can we do the performances a week apart?

This is not a good idea! Because the rehearsal time has been so compact, it is dangerous to have too much of a time gap between the last rehearsal and either of the performances.

What if we don't have a room where we can rearrange the chairs for theatre-in-the-round?

Because theatre-in-the-round is essential for the Mark Drama, you will have to find another venue. We are very sorry but there is no way round this.

Do the rehearsals have to be in the same room as the performances?

No, not necessarily, though of course it would be an advantage.

How does it work?

We don't have enough actors from our church or CU to make a team. What do we do?

This doesn’t have to put a stop to your plans. Why not consider teaming up with another church or CU from your area? If you think we could help with finding another group nearby, please email us.

What happens in a performance if a cast member forgets what to say or what happens next?

The director will be sitting in the second row (very close to the centre circle) and acting as prompter. Because they are so close to the action they can prompt without most of the audience realising what they are doing.

What is all this going to cost?

We do not charge churches or CUs for the Mark Drama.

We hope you will pay your director’s travel expenses (normally one return-trip for the rehearsal-performance weekend).

We will be very grateful if you are able to give a gift to the Mark Drama on top of this, to help cover our costs. These costs include training weekends in the UK and abroad to train new Mark Drama directors and the production of materials. We also have a Subsidy Fund so that we can subsidise churches and CUs who would struggle otherwise to put on a production.

This sounds like the ideal thing to do in the run-up to Easter. Are we right?

Yes, but please be careful! We would struggle to provide directors for everyone if a lot of groups put on their production just before Easter. We’ve found the drama to be just as powerful at any time of year: the gospel is always relevant!

Your website says that the cast don't wear costumes. What do they wear?

Jeans or trousers and a plain t-shirt. Every team member chooses what colour t-shirt they will bring to wear in the performances.

I have another question you haven't addressed on this page.

We’ll be happy to answer your question. Just send us an email.